Microsoft Office mungkin menjadi populer disaat ini. Aplikasi perkantoran yang dikembangan oleh Microsoft ini begitu banyak yang menggunakannya. Bukan hal baru lagi, bahwa aplikasi ini bisa ditemukan di rumah, sekolah, warnet, dan perkantoran. Sayangnya jika ingin aplikasi ini tidak gratis. User tentunya harus membeli. Kenyataan yang saya lihat, banyak yang menggunakan yang bajakan. Tentunya ini melanggar UU tentang hak cipta. Bisa didenda atau dipenjara.
Solusi terbaik adalah menggunakan Office Suite yang benar-benar 'aman', berikut ini pilihan yang bisa digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari.
1. Google Docs – This is probably the most heard of Office competitor that most people already know about. Google Docs is completely online and includes a web-based Word Processor, Spreadsheet application, and a Presentation app. More on Google Docs features (incl. introduction video).
2. Zoho – Zoho is probably the best online office productivity suite with not only word processor, spreadsheet and presentation apps, but also includes online project management, CRM solutions, web conferencing, online database with reports, online planner, group chat, wiki, and lots more. It also includes a plug-in for MS Office so you can work both online or offline. Learn more about Zoho.
3.Thinkfree – Thinkfree claims to have the best integration with Microsoft Office. Also, the interface for each app is very similar to MS Office including the toolbars, icons, and functions. Thinkfree also has advanced collaboration features such that users can share, edit, and contribute their ideas remotely. More on Thinkfree (incl. video demos and screenshot).
4.StarOffice – StarOffice is from Sun Microsystems and has recently been released under the Google Pack as a free download. StarOffice runs on Windows, Linux, and Solaris systems. You’ll have to download OpenOffice if you want it for the Mac.
5. IBM Lotus Symphony – IBM Lotus Symphony is a direct competitor to the Microsoft Office suite because it is also a desktop application aimed at individuals and businesses. The suite consists of Symphony Documents, Symphony Presentations, and Symphony Spreadsheets. I wrote about it before, so if interested check out my IBM Symphony review.
6. OpenOffice – OpenOffice is a multi-platform (Win, Mac, Linux) and multi-lingual office suite which is compatible with all major office suites (i.e. Microsoft Office). It includes Writer (word processing), Impress (presentation), Math, Draw, Calc (spreadsheet), and Base applications. IBM Lotus Symphony and StarOffice are both based on the code from OpenOffice.
7. Kingsoft Offilce - Kingsoft Office 2009 is a full-featured office productivity suite which includes Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation, and Kingsoft Spreadsheets which are the three basic but essential applications to help you easily create professional documents without retraining process. With its innovative applications, Kingsoft Office is the best alternative to Microsoft Office and it offers quality features at an affordable price.
8. LibreOffice - LibreOffice is the power-packed free, libre and open source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can get involved!
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Makasih infonya sob...
BalasHapusWahhh... keren-keren nich...
BalasHapus@Etc New
Terimakasih kembali buat anda berdua. Postingan diatas masih jauh dari sempurna. Kalo ada yang mau menambahkan, silahkan lewat kotak komentar.
klaw yang free saya lebih seneng oppen office, lebih enak pake nya...
BalasHapus@Pencari Inspirasi
BalasHapussaya juga pake open office org. nggak kalah ama microsoft office.
Saya paling demen Open Office sob. Kompatible dengan dokumen Ms. Office soalnya. Nice info sobat!
BalasHapusternyata banyak alternatoifnya ya, bukan hanya Ms. Word sama Open office writer ^_^
BalasHapusIBM Lotus Symphoni boleh juga untuk dicoba. aplikasi penting spt word, spredsheet, dan presentasi sudah satu paket. dilengkapi dengan clipart, template presentasi, plugin, dll. kalo yg laen dah dicoba, yg ini pantas dijajal.
BalasHapusGratisan masih lebih enak digunakan
BalasHapusdi indo, yang shareware bisa di jadikan freeware dengan crack, hehe ^_^
BalasHapusHave to agree with you on these. I really like what Zoho is doing, bringing users a complete package, and using ODF. Next month they’ll offer a local version for their apps which will auto-sync with your online files if you choose, so you’ll have the best of both worlds.
BalasHapusMeanwhile, there’s nothing but good news on the OpenOffice, StarOffice, and Lotus Symphony fronts, given IBM’s recent dedication of 35 full-time programmers to the code. Simply put, MS-OOXML is dead in the water.
You must try “SSuite Office – The Fifth Element”.
BalasHapusIt is completely free for download, and is only 57 MB in size after installation. It also has more than 30 very useful applications.
not many Operating Systems online seems to support any type of accounting or taxation softwares. a unique one that i
BalasHapusfound was Has anyone done a comparison on its features?
hmm, point 2 dan 3 belum dicoba tuh, pengen ah,
BalasHapussaya masih nyaman sama microsoft office hehe
BalasHapusnice share
Good alternative. Thank's for information ^_^
BalasHapusmicrosoft office terlalu mahal. kalo pake bajakan ntar melanggar HAKI. mendingan pake yg freeware.
Wah Betul Itu... Tapi memang terkadang orang sungkan untuk membeli, memilih yang gratisan(termasuk saya)... kwkwkkwkwkw
BalasHapusgoogle doc p[engembangannya makin mantep terus lo :D
BalasHapusThanks for the tips. You're right at the point that sometime we are too dependant on microsoft word as if there is no other alternative :) Thanks again..
wah keren nih office suitesnya,
BalasHapusSaia jua pernah pake OpenOffice, emang si compatible sama dokumen2 Ms Office, tapi rasanya masih kurang dalam banyak hal dibandingkan dengan Word nya Ms..
BalasHapusMungkin karena gratis ya..? v^_^
Masih setia sama Microsoft nih^^ hehe
BalasHapusthanks to info ya,,,salam kenal,,
BalasHapustrim's infonya